Thursday, November 15, 2012

11 November 2012  The Lombas!

Hello Friends and Family,

This week out here in the field was kind of difficult mainly because I'm trying to become accustomed to this new way of living. First off, my area is well known for the lombas, or hills, in Português. My legs are taking a massive beating. At some points my tie is just about touching the road! That's a little bit of an exageration but you know what I mean. Elder Queiroz has a bunch of knee problems because of this so we spend a lot of time at the doctors office. There is a chance I could get a new trainer at the end of this transfer, we'll see. Also, the humidity was so bad this week. Two minutes out in the sun and we were drenched in sweat. I guess this is the life of a missionary it makes me way jealous of missionaries who have cars, and bikes back in the states.

Life out here in Rio Grande do Sul is very different than life back home. No air conditioning in the apartment just a bunch of crappy fans. No dinner! This one kills me, Brazilians in this state just have a gigantic lunch and then little snacks throughout the day. I do not know how any missionary in this mission could possibly stay fat you only really have one real meal and you walk the whole day, in my case you walk vertically! And there is a bunch of other little things I wish I had but I will stop complaining because I knew what I signed up for. The American missionaries all feel the same but they say you get used to it. Oh I have noticed that there is not very much variety in food here. There is like 5 things and all includes meat, rice, and beans. If you get lucky a member will make lasgna for us. I'm sure soon this will all be second nature.

We did a lot of walking this week, taught a few lessons, and did a tiny bit of contacts. My compainion does not like to do contacts and neither do I, but I think we should man up and do a little more this week espically in our down time when we dont having anything on the go. We taught Renata again this week. She is super stoked to be baptised. She knows everything we tell her is true and she lives up to all our commitments we give to her. Pretty much the perfect investigator. Also, I think there might be two brothers of a less active member that want the lessons. We have an appoinment today so we will see how it goes.

The Português is slowly coming along. This week it was a lot easier to understand what was being said. I can pretty much get the main points of what people are talking about. Speaking is difficult because of the little rules and such. There is a lot of conjugations and other things you have to worry about while talking. I know with time it will get better. I will take dad´s advice and just talk about anything with anyone. Try and be their friend first. 

I enjoy getting your emails and letters and I will be on the lookout for some packages. Now on to some questions, Elder Taylor in the photo is just one of my good buddies I made while in the MTC. And the other photo was of my district. I have a lot more pictures in the MTC but I can only send like 2 pictures at a time through email.
 Some Elders here wait until they fill their camera full of photos and then put it on a zip drive and send it home in a letter or something. Tell me if thats a good idea or not. Lots of missionaries accidently delete or misplace photos so this is one way to have a back-up.
My apartment is this little 3 story building with a few rooms on each floor and we do have a stove.  Yes, my companion can speak a tiny bit of English. He took a couple years worth of classes in High School, he is like me he can understand whats being said but talking is difficult.

Anyways, that's it for now. I will try and take some photos this week.

Love ya,

Elder Miller

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